INR & Nifty performance over 20 years

INR & Nifty performance over 20 years Over the last few days I have been asking my NRI colleagues their concerns regarding doing investments in Indian equities. Their single biggest concern is the Indian Rupee depreciation. A simple graph of Indian Rupee and Nifty movement from 2001 till Sep 2020 is shown below. […]
NRIs Investing in Indian Listed Equities

NRIs Investing in Indian Listed Equities All NRIs including US-based NRIs are permitted by the Government of India to invest and trade in India. However, if you are an NRI residing in the USA, there are certain regulations and guidelines one needs to bear in mind because of FATCA and US SEC regulations. Financial services providers serving US-based NRIs […]
INR & Nifty performance over 20 year

INR & Nifty performance over 20 years In continuation of my posts on the attractiveness of Indian Equities Markets – comparing the performance of Nifty and USD/INR with DJIA and S&P. All growth or de-growth(read USD/INR) are measured as XIRR…. #nriinvestments # #nriservices #nrigroupindia #ramnathrao#deemeraldpartners